Our Mission

Artistry with Colour for Harmony Within


Welcome to my website. Here through this website, I will take you on a journey through the vibrant and facinating world of colour, story telling and Feng Shui. Together we will explore why colours matter and how they can enhance our lives in a profound way to evoke emotions, to understand those emotions and transform spaces.

I have over 20 years experience in business, I’m an artist, author and have studied the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui. I am combining these skills here on this platform where you’ll learn how to use colour to transform your environment and harmonise your energy.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of balancing your environment to promote positive influences in your personal life or business. This art considers direction, colour, elements, yin and yang, what you have in this space and where it is placed.

Art and Colour has a huge influence on emotions and transforms space enhancing our lives in profound ways. Colour impacts our moods giving us unique feelings which align us with how we feel about a certain shades of colour. What art we choose will also have a profound impact on our surroundings. Art must be understood what qualities you are attracted to, what theme or meaning you wish to hang in your space and with this view point as to its placement.

Business mentoring can be created for the beginning set up or creation of a business where we can identify your planning stratagies, your set up your profile, website, branding and even help with finding a good venue. I can offer team building and positioning of employes in your office which has a profound influence on work productivity. Or maybe it is an exit stratagy you may require where there are certain plans and selling impliments to be put into place.

Thank you for joining me here on my website. I invite you now to explore my gallery of my works of art and to delve into the magic of art, colour, Feng Shui and business to create a unique blend of skills to help you transform your life.