Melissa is a passionate published Author, Illustrator, Artist also Business and Feng Shui Consultant.

Growing up, Melissa was completely surrounded by creativity as her mother was an avid Artist. This has allowed her to develop her own personal skills where she has her own unique talent for colours, design, sculpture, painting and décor.

Melissa has a deep desire and professional aim to ‘Help Others’ succeed in life using business and personal planning, the power of the correct colours, surrounding yourself with beautiful meaningful art and the influences of Feng Shui.

Not only has Melissa seen art transform spaces, she has also witnessed her clients lives changing for the better with elemental colour, placement of particular art pieces within their homes and businesses.

Melissa has over 20 years’ experience in business and consulting. She has run several businesses of her own and has also written a children’s book which was published in February 2024.

From helping businesses find ideal physical locations for their work premises, to advising her clients on how to set up their desks, adding beneficial staff positioning all of which to maximise productivity/profits. Melissa can also assist her business clients from the very beginning; helping them set up their business plan, strategic planning, marketing and website, plus more.

Melissa provides both residential and business Feng Shui Consulting. Feng Shui helps take the effort out of everyday challenges and balances the natural flow of our surroundings. Energies can flow too slow (yin) or too fast (yang) which can drastically change the environment. If too fast it can affect one’s ability to sleep. If too slow it can interrupt motivation to study or work. The natures energies within spaces both in the home and workplace can effect the quality of your relationships, your physical and mental health, which in turn creates a positive flow in abundance.

If you are feeling like you are stuck in life or lacking support, Melissa can assess the energies of the land for geopathic stresses as well as the Feng Shui to then provide you with a custom strategy to help you move forward.

There are many layers to Feng Shui and Melissa understands that everyone and every business is unique. This is why Melissa customizes her consultations to the individual needs of her clients.

Melissa is currently based in Perth, Western Australia but can also do consultations remotely with clients worldwide.

Get in touch with Melissa today and discuss your next project here.
