“I love being able to put life into a story. My books are not only written with love but are filled with my creative energy. I can’t wait to share more of these beautiful stories with you”

— Melissa Boot

Ollie’s Happy Sunny Day Now available for purchase at:

Amazon Books, Booktopia, Blackwell's, Angus & Roberts & Catch.

It’s a story of a boy named Ollie who goes to his grandparents farm for a holiday and cannot take his best mate Pete, who is his pet parrot. Ollie is missing his best mate and is feeling sad. He sees a bird like Pete one day while at the cow shed and follows it down to the farms dam. On the way he meets a donkey, a rabbit and a duck. One of the animals falls into the dam and nearly drowns. Who saves the day?

I wrote this story for my nieces who moved from Perth to Brisbane. My nieces were missing their friends and family. This story will help children with separation and will remind kids that the most unlikely person can achieve if they only try. This book also has a repetitive chorus through the story which adds to an interactive experience while reading the story which repeats the verse “I’m so happy on this sunny day…”, giving a positive message.